Poetry Prompt 27 – Your 100th Birthday


My dear friends, I am happy you were able to attend tonight

Its not everyday one gets to be one hundred years old.

My children have come from around the world

With their children and their children again.

All up twenty-five of the twenty-six great grand kids are here

If I can remember your names I’ll be doing well.

I know I’m a curiosity to you all

A quaint old man my great grand daughter Essie calls me

I think that is some kind of compliment.

As George Burns once said:

You’ve got it made when you turn one hundred

As not many people die over a hundred years of age.


I acknowledge I am an example of technology

I remind myself so often of a cartoon I saw as a child

Where the wizard had created a monster

One man commented, it reminds me of someone I once knew

To which the wizard says: Its several people you once knew.

I am a walking spare parts factory

New hip, new knees,

Fresh beating heart

New kidneys, new corneas

New cochlear,

And a pill that does wonders for my get up and go.

Where was that fifty years ago?


I know I have lived a long time

Seen a lot

Had friends come and go

I received a note from King Bill and Kate

Congratulating me on my milestone they said

Some days it feels like a millstone

But I wouldn’t change a thing.

But as I look around and see my family and friends gathered

Come to see me, wish me well,

I’m pleased to see my long time friend

Dr Pooky, still running marathons into her seventies

A credit to us all.


My friends life is a gift, treasure it well

It doesn’t always go how we planned

But live every day to it’s fullest

Suffer and grow from adversity

Love and be loved

This is the secret,

Love as you would want to be loved.

As my one great love would say to me

Each morning as we looked at each other

Marvelling at another day together

Lets go do this!


Written for: http://pookypoetry.wordpress.com/2014/05/27/poetry-prompt-27-your-100th-birthday/

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16 Responses to Poetry Prompt 27 – Your 100th Birthday

  1. PookyH says:

    A fabulous job! Thank you for the mention 🙂

    I love ‘walking spare parts factory’

    See. It was quite a party. What was the excuse of the 26th great grand kid?? Xxx

    • Ha…he missed the plane…lol
      You did say you wanted an invite.
      It took me a while to write this one.
      But you gave me a bit of a nudge so away I went.
      Glad you turned up, the cake was spectacular.

      • PookyH says:

        I’m glad to hear the cake was so good. I’m a keen cake maker and always very interested in the masterpieces created by others 😉

        He missed the plane, I would say shame on him but I very very nearly missed one yesterday so I can’t criticise!

  2. JackieP says:

    That was a most excellent poem Michael. Maybe you will see that day yet.

  3. RoSy says:

    Love this!
    PS – I haven’t gotten my party invitation yet. But – will keep my eyes open for the grand event! 😉
    I RSVP – YES

  4. Bastet says:

    Ah and now will you be giving me the address of your mechanic? I could use some of those spare parts myself! I had so much fun reading this. I’ve known quite a few spry elders and I’m certain that with your spirit you’ll make it well past 120! Great fun poem!

  5. niasunset says:

    WOW! This is amazing party 🙂 and amazing poem! Sounds it would be so exciting, I don’t want to miss it. Blessing and Happiness, Thank you, love, nia

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