Prompt for SoCS July 5/14 – Arria

This week’s prompt word is “body.”

It was a body like no other. I was mesmerised, captivated, frozen in time almost.

I looked at you and thought is that really you?

I was fooled to believe you were not as I imagined at all.

Legs that went all the way to your bum and

I knew would carry you with an elegance I could only describe.

I have admired your arms, their strength is obvious to me, they will carry you safely thought life. I can see you will fend off all aggressors, all detractors. You will be ok.

The force of your voice tends to lead me to the conclusion you will be one who stands up for what you believe, you will make your intentions known to all and sundry around you.

The one thing that has stunned me most is your eyes.

From the moment of our meeting you fixed me with your gaze, you held me enthralled, I was drawn in I knew you were going to be a person of quality, a person of substance a person who will know her destiny and make every effort to achieve in ways I will be enchanted by.

Yes my newest darling grand daughter, I see you as growing into a woman of determination and courage.

I will watch as your tiny body grows into a woman we will all be so proud of.


Written for:


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26 Responses to Prompt for SoCS July 5/14 – Arria

  1. Beautiful! And congrats on this new addition to your family 🙂

  2. You are one blessed grandpa, and she a blessed granddaughter! “From the moment of our meeting you fixed me with your gaze, you held me enthralled, I was drawn in I knew you were going to be a person of quality, a person of substance a person who will know her destiny and make every effort to achieve in ways I will be enchanted by.” – it’s so amazing when one day she’s old enough to read and understand this, to read this post and see herself through your doting eyes 🙂

  3. Gabriella says:

    Great welcome into this world, Michael! I hope she gets to read it one day. Meanwhile congratulations to you.

  4. JackieP says:

    A proud grand dad indeed. You are both lucky you have each other. Wonderful tribute to her Michael.

  5. The moment I read´bum´I knew! It brought me back to those occupy moments admiring my daughter.your granddaughter is so blessed!

  6. Lyn says:

    I’m glad her legs go all the way to her ‘bum,’ it would be extremely difficult to get around if they didn’t 😀 Seriously though, Michael, I can see this little one wrapping you around her little finger.
    LOL I’m still two ahead of you in the grandchildren stakes 😉

    • Show off. I will have 8 come September. remembering their birthdays is always going to be a challenge.Thanks for your comment. I think you may be right about that finger business.

  7. LindaGHill says:

    Awww, this is so sweet. Congratulations on grandchild number seven! 😀
    Thanks very much Michael for joining in SoCS this week. And yes, you were on time 🙂

  8. Pingback: A New Record! | lindaghill

  9. Miss Lou says:

    How wonderful!! A precious grandchild brought into the world!

    Beautifully written, Michael and congratulations. Although I follow, I actually came specifically to this post through the prompt in Linda’s post as I flurry around trying to catch up on all I have missed out on.

    Only 2 months to go before number 8 arrives I see!



  10. RoSy says:

    What else can I say?

Please feel free to comment, I appreciate your thoughts.