Write Anything Wednesday #105


It wouldn’t have been any sort of surprise now would it to let him go untethered into the world of words.

Write anything and off he would go pouring out words in some sort of fashion that might and more than likely would not garner a lot of attention because after a while you’d begin to wonder what he was on about. Or if he was on about anything at all.

So he thought maybe I should use this opportunity to write about what interests me or maybe say something about himself.

“I’ve enjoyed my writing today. I had a plan for my Tale Weaver prompt which will appear around 4pm my time, living in Australia puts me in the future so I have to understand I am a day in front of everyone else. So first thing today I drafted a response to the prompt. It’s about touch today. I’ve planned a series of prompts asking writers to explore the sense that I have singled out for each week.

Most of my writing is character based in one fashion or another. I have created some characters whom I like to play with. Miss Marble is one I do enjoy playing with. She is a witch, lives in a suburban street and tends to make things to overcome any evil. She has a dog called Sal, short for Salivate, and is very long lived having begun life in Medieval times and created a potion some aliens found useful and they in turn have given her an elixir of life.

On other days I like to write about two angels, Wayne and Greg, they are representatives of Hell and Heaven and after so long working on the earth they have formed a good friendship. I do admit to borrowing the idea from Neil Gaiman’s Good Omens, one of my favourite books.

I have another character called Cyril Rum who is an angel on a sabbatical on earth. He looks like a middle aged accountant and that suits him fine as he is just wanting to take life easy.”

So you see what happens when you say write about anything, he did. Sad isn’t it. We’ll see what next week might hold for him.


Written for: https://writerishramblings.com/2017/02/08/write-anything-wednesday-105/

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11 Responses to Write Anything Wednesday #105

  1. Lyn says:

    There’s always a different slant on your writing Michael 🙂

  2. Lorraine says:

    Lovely lesson plan of your writing.

Please feel free to comment, I appreciate your thoughts.