FFfAW – Week of 02-23-2016 – Day Dreamer


Image: Ellespeth’s Friend.

Jack hated being number four on the work team.

It meant he was the last one up the scaffold and that meant looking up at Bill’s rear end and that sight was enough to put you off morning tea.

It also meant you were on the receiving end of every chip that fell, every grain of dust they generated and every expletive that came from Bill’s mouth, which was every minute of every day.

Today they were on the north wall of the Council Building and as Jack straddled the scaffold his mind wandered to more pleasant things like his new wife and the end of the day.

Jack was a daydreamer and at that moment he was thinking of his wife making tonight’s promised meal of broccoli-beef.

That’s when the lights went out.

In the months that followed it was touch and go for Jack. But he woke up, his wife by his side; his dinner she said was still in the oven.


Written for: https://flashfictionforaspiringwriters.wordpress.com/2016/02/22/fffaw-week-of-02-23-2016/

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38 Responses to FFfAW – Week of 02-23-2016 – Day Dreamer

  1. Mandy says:

    Dreaming of Broccoli Beef nearly took his life, and now may be what brings him back. Sorry can’t help laughing amidst this near- tragedy, Michael. 😂

  2. rosemawrites says:

    Uh oh! That was an almost accident because of the broccoli beef! I bet it is so delicious! 😀

  3. mandibelle16 says:

    Glad Jack was okay. Guess he needs to pay better attention and not daydream! Love your sense of humour in this piece again Michael.

  4. Haha! That broccoli beef helped put his lights out! Or maybe it was looking up at Bill’s rear end. Haha! Cute story, Michael. I enjoyed this.

  5. samratkel says:

    That same man caught my eye too!! Great story!!

  6. Dave says:

    St. Peter: “How did you die?”
    “Killed while daydreaming about broccoli beef.”
    St. Peter: “Go on, git out!”

  7. I hope his wife has changed the broccoli-beef waiting in the oven a few times or he will have survived the fall caused by dreams of b-b, only to be felled by food poisoning from the b-b sitting around waiting for him!
    Reaction: chuckling and a smile on a frustrating day.

  8. swritings says:

    Oh phew! He’s well enough to get that broccoli! :)) Nice story! 🙂

  9. Powerful story in a concise amount of words. Well written …. I enjoyed reading it.
    Isadora 😎

  10. Daydreaming at such lofty can will definitely do that to anyone.
    Good story.

  11. Confronted with that view, what choice did he have but to day dream…fun story. Thanks!

  12. luckyjc007 says:

    Wow! I’m glad he is alright. I would imagine he will never forget about thinking about that broccoli dish again…especially when he is eating it. I wonder if it still tastes as good, or perhaps even better! Wonderful story. 🙂

  13. Erm this broccoli beef must be potent stuff, perhaps Bill had some the night before and that’s what blew Jack clean off the scaffolding lol

    • Its potent, refreshing, re-energising in ways that will give you a new look on life, not blow you off a scaffold…..though yours is a good comment and could happen if it was made badly…..

  14. Hmm! That broccoli beef had better taste real good…

  15. rogershipp says:

    Those ‘lofty dreams’ allow massive falls if one is not careful!

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