Poem 17


I watch you, across the park, striding, pacing, head down, intent,

What did you say to the man, the woman, the child playing with the dog?

Was it spying to want to see you in the everyday?


Later I tell you, you laugh,

You poke my arm, you ask, “What did you think you would see?”

I am shy thinking you are not pleased

But what I saw thrilled me even more.


Your step, your gait, your smile, your swagger.

You fed my longing for the afternoon,

To be with you, just you.


Yes my love, there is no doubt,

I lay here wrapped in you,

You touch me and I’m alive.


I have waited all day

To feel you entwine me.

Caress the very bits that crave you,

Just there my love, there, there, there.


At my gasp you softly smile,

Watching me fly in my ecstasy

Then so gently you take me.


We are locked, unified,

Sharing once again,

Those most intimate of moments.


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12 Responses to Poem 17

  1. Anja says:

    You are just writing all sorts of amazing things…..wonderful

  2. Sun says:

    a beautiful intimate moment. ♥

  3. so that warning would be…..? Quite an intimate piece indeed Summers… stepping outside the comfort zone a little..? Or I think you are nice & comfy stepping here.

Please feel free to comment, I appreciate your thoughts.