Word-High July: Muni-muni


Sometimes we sit and think

And sometimes we just sit.

Sometimes we sit and chat

Sometimes we just chat.

Thoughts flow free

Pouring out our hearts

We cry and comfort.

We like being us

So we sit and ponder

How the gods of the universe

Threw us diverse folk together?

Most days when we sit and ponder

We are grateful for each other.


Written for: https://areadingwritr.wordpress.com/2016/07/07/word-high-july-muni-muni/

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18 Responses to Word-High July: Muni-muni

  1. Lyn says:

    Most days when we sit and ponder
    We are grateful for each other.

    Just as it should be everywhere!

  2. Shadeau says:

    Another wonderful “from the heart” piece–gives a warm and fuzzy feeling 🙂

  3. I like this, Michael, quite deep and lovely! 🙂

  4. rosemawrites says:

    awww. that is so true. this is simple and straight forward, yet wise and deep! 😀

  5. celticmama36 says:

    Sometimes it is good just to be around people that share one’s thoughts and beliefs even if no one is talking. A sense of belonging and acceptance is very important.
    Have a blessed day.

  6. Davy D says:

    Excellent poem Michael. Thank you for sharing.

Please feel free to comment, I appreciate your thoughts.