FFfAW-Week of 02-16-2016 – Stood Up


Image thanks to: TJ Paris

She had said he would meet him on the break wall at 3pm. He had been texting her continuously wondering where she had gotten to. As it was the tide was coming in and if he didn’t make a move shortly the tide would cover his exit and he would have to be rescued.

Being stood up was bad enough, having the rescue team come out to save his sorry hide was more than he could take right now.

Already there was a group at the edge of the break wall gesturing to him to come back. But with anger welling up inside him he thought of all the possible scenarios to keep her away.

She had fallen ill, she had fallen over and taken to the hospital, she was lost, she had received a better offer, she had discovered his dark secret.

Not wanting to contemplate the last thought he pocketed his phone and dashed to safety.


Written for: https://flashfictionforaspiringwriters.wordpress.com/2016/02/15/fffaw-week-of-02-16-2016/

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39 Responses to FFfAW-Week of 02-16-2016 – Stood Up

  1. rosemawrites says:

    Oh. This is a fast answer to PJ’s prompt and you captured a story from the image beautifully. 🙂 I felt the agony, the fear and the pain. 🙂

  2. Deb says:

    Awww..so sad. But what is his secret? And did she find out and that was why she didn’t come? So many questions! I love it.

  3. samratkel says:

    This is a great story, room for expansion but complete in of itself as well.

  4. It’s annoying being stood.
    Great story.

  5. Not only does she stand him up, she tries to drown him as well. The dark secret he possesses must be really dark!

  6. Like the others, I wonder what his dark secret is. Did she really stand him up or did he get rid of her? Great story, Michael! Makes me want to read more!

  7. Sonya says:

    Love this. “Being stood up was bad enough, having the rescue team come out to save his sorry hide was more than he could take right now.” is such a great line, you really made me feel sorry for him. And then you drop his dark secret and I don’t know what to think anymore… Great stuff 🙂

  8. Hmm . . . I wonder what his dark secret is? Nice twisty ending, Michel. 🙂
    Loved the story!

  9. bikurgurl says:

    I really like how you left the end so open…and mysterious!

  10. Jenn says:

    I love ambiguous endings. Great job!

  11. Shivangi says:

    Wonderful story with open ending… Great take on the prompt😀

  12. Great story! The line about the “dark secret” is really intriguing.

  13. Great story! Left us hanging and wondering what the secret was!

  14. afairymind says:

    An intriguing story, Michael. 🙂 I wonder what his dark secret is and whether that is actually the reason she stood him up.

  15. mandibelle16 says:

    Interesting possibilities with this story. Why did she not show up? And what is his dark secret?
    Great job at an intriguing story Michael!

  16. This is delicious. What is his dark secret?

Please feel free to comment, I appreciate your thoughts.