Flash Fiction for Aspiring Writers – A Man is Screaming.


Image © Enisa


There’s a man screaming on the walkway. He’s creating a scene, and people are stopping to gaze at him as he runs in circles screaming and pointing to the cameras on the wall, “They’re watching us, all of us, fear for your life.”

It is clear this man is frantic; his eyes illustrate the desperateness he must be feeling. He is passionate in his belief.

A man tries to comfort him, but he pushes him away telling him he should be home, hiding under his bed for if not they will come for him.

By now a crowd has gathered, and in the distance, I can see the police approaching.

It is clear they know this man; they address him by name and calm him down. One takes his arm and leads him away, but he is still muttering about the cameras.

When he is gone peace descends on the walkway, and one camera swivels to view the young couple kissing beneath it.


Written for: https://flashfictionforaspiringwriters.wordpress.com/2018/03/26/fffaw-challenge-week-of-march-27-2018/

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29 Responses to Flash Fiction for Aspiring Writers – A Man is Screaming.

  1. Great story! Very eerie.

  2. The man is suffering from Big Brother syndrome.

  3. Linda Vernon says:

    Oh I really liked this one!

  4. Reena Saxena says:

    We are now living in the age of Big Brother, with information on our devices being accessible. What is bad is not the exposure, but not having a choice to opt out – like switching off the camera.

  5. any1mark says:

    And quietly they have successfully taken over. Only the mad know the truth. Nicely done

  6. He probably isn’t that mad, then again he probably is. Great story Michael.

  7. Iain Kelly says:

    As though he had never been there.. Nice one Michael.

  8. Can’t escape CCTV cameras now. They are everywhere. They can witness, but can’t prevent or assist. Creepy.

  9. goroyboy says:

    Was the man Nostradamus perhaps? Lol

  10. James says:

    I told you they’re watching us. :-O

  11. The young couple must not care that they are watching them. Great story! Very chilling!

  12. Just another day in the life of Big Brother. Great story. Mine too involved some kissing, but from a different perspective 🙂

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