Twittering Tale #77 – 26 March 2018


Photo by Min An at

I dropped it and down it went, where it landed, no one knows.
I think it missed the grey-haired man, and I’m certain Mrs Smith avoided it hitting one of her two heads.
She’s a funny old stick.
She and her fluff ball dog, always out walking.
Maybe it will bounce back up?
Do you think?   (279 characters)

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16 Responses to Twittering Tale #77 – 26 March 2018

  1. I hope it was only a ball she dropped…

  2. elysianandcynosure says:

    I like how there is a little hint of Karma in your tale… Liked it! I took up this challenge too, maybe you would like to check it out?

  3. mhmp77 says:


    Maybe it will
    bounce back up?

    Perhaps it will Michael as it will help save the situation if given a chance!


  4. Mandy says:

    Lol. Sometimes it pays to have two heads. 😂

  5. Kat Myrman says:

    I suppose it all depends on what it is that she dropped. I can’t help but give in to my imagination, since this is a rather fantastical tale…two heads and all…humpty dumpty comes to mind. 😉

  6. Pingback: Twittering Tales #78 – 3 April 2018 | like mercury colliding...

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