Twittering Tale #62 – 12 December 2017


Photo from the Commons at Pixabay

Washed clean after years at sea, the bottle and message remain a mystery as it can’t be opened.
Speculation is rife. What if someone is desperate? What if its the map to secret treasure?
All we know is the bottle was made in 1735.
Its historical significance outweighs its contents. (280 characters)

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9 Responses to Twittering Tale #62 – 12 December 2017

  1. Reena Saxena says:

    The last line is true of so many of our heritage sites and artefacts.

  2. Kat Myrman says:

    Oh…but now I REALLY want to know the message. Good one Michael! 🙂

  3. -Eugenia says:

    Well done, Michael. A mystery, indeed.

  4. Powerful 280 characters tale i ever read… Excellent Tale. Love to know message..😊😊

  5. Pingback: Twittering Tale #63 – 19 December 2017 | like mercury colliding...

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