Thursday photo prompt – Isolated… #writephoto


Across the field there is movement as shadowy figures creep towards the house. Dusk affords them the cover they need.

Its perfect for their purpose. Enough light to see by and not enough to be seen by.

They have longed to find this house. Isolated and set well back from the public paths that criss-cross the countryside.

Inside is the prize they most value.

It is important to complete their task before the rain sets in.

Rain makes things unpleasant, they could get untidy and none of them likes untidy. They reach the back gate to the house and wait.

In the house it is dinnertime. The farmer and his wife have had a hard day. Working sun up to sun set is exhausting and on top of that their two growing boys need their attention. Both have started school and after the evening meal they know time must be spent with each.

They gather around the table as the mother serves them the food they are all craving.

There is a knock on the door. The father says he will get it.

The mother and boys begin their dinner.

After a time the boys look at each other and remark that father is taking a long time.


Written for:

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30 Responses to Thursday photo prompt – Isolated… #writephoto

  1. Sue Vincent says:

    Thank you so much for taking part! 🙂

  2. TanGental says:

    Creepy – not going to answer the door now

  3. Does it really have to finish there? Now I’m wondering all sorts of things about that knock at the door.

  4. A knock at the door will never be the same. Great tilt on the prompt.

  5. Lyn says:

    Oooh that sounds very ominiminous 🙂

  6. mandibelle16 says:

    Eerie. I wonder exactly what these creatures, coming at twilight want. Your last line is brilliant, makes one very much afraid for what happened to the farmer and what could happen to his family. Great piece.

  7. Fantasy Raconteur says:

    Love the open ending. An interesting take on the prompt=)

  8. Pingback: Photo prompt round up – Isolated – #writephoto | Sue Vincent – Daily Echo

  9. KL Caley says:

    Oooh, I wanted it to keep on going Michael!! Superb – I loved it. KL ❤

Please feel free to comment, I appreciate your thoughts.