Cee’s Fun Foto Challenge: Letter F – Topic is Fun or Flowers



It’s spring time down my way and this morning I spied the bottlebrush out in full colour.

The little white flowering bush is a May Bush which has always intrigued me as its an English flowering bush which in those conditions would have flowered in their spring, hence its name but here it flowers in August September.

The bird bath is from my grandmother’s place next door which my mother demanded be moved when she thought someone was planning to steal it. Maybe that was the ‘fun’ bit?


For: https://ceenphotography.com/2017/09/26/cees-fun-foto-challenge-letter-f-topic-is-fun-or-flowers/

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4 Responses to Cee’s Fun Foto Challenge: Letter F – Topic is Fun or Flowers

  1. Cee Neuner says:

    This is such a beautiful photo.

  2. shail says:

    You must be having plenty of birds visiting the bottlebrush? That sure is fun! Beautiful.

Please feel free to comment, I appreciate your thoughts.