Word-High July: Kalinaw – Serenity/Tranquility


Late afternoon and it’s been hot

A day out of the heat.

A gentle breeze suggests cool.

We sit at my back fence,

Watch as the day ebbs away.

The sun slides behind the distant gums

Holding hands, we chat, take in the peace

Afforded us by the end of day.


Written for: https://areadingwritr.wordpress.com/2016/07/05/word-high-july-kalinaw/

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18 Responses to Word-High July: Kalinaw – Serenity/Tranquility

  1. Lyn says:

    That had a feeling of calm and contentment.

  2. mandibelle16 says:

    Most definitely tranquility.

  3. There is serenity in the comfortable closeness of a hand-held as sun turns to stars.

  4. rosemawrites says:

    awwww. the comfort of having someone in the simplest scene can’t be bought by any amount of money. you captured the word so well, Michael! 🙂 ❤

  5. Shadeau says:

    A very restful read–lovely.

  6. This is a nice poem. I don’t know much about poetry, but this seems to be a nice thought.

  7. Davy D says:

    Michael, a nice poem that captures the whole essence of Kalinaw. Thank you for sharing.

Please feel free to comment, I appreciate your thoughts.