Prompt Nights – Guérison par la foi – Faith, healing – My Love for You


This week we are asked to share our poetic views about faith or healing. What is that one thing in your life that represents faith or the process of healing.


I can’t say what it is

Its faith isn’t it

That’s the whole point.

You believe or you don’t.

You don’t need physical proof

The truth lies within you.

Whether its to a deity or not

The compunction to believe

To trust is there

And when I look at you and see your pain

I want to cry out to whatever it is

That governs my everyday

To help you in some way

Show you the light, the way

However it works

Bring you back from that edge

I see you hovering near.

At the centre of life is love

We can’t get away from that

We can deny it all we like

Turn our backs

But its still there

Morning, noon and night.

Its what makes me believe

My love for you.


Written for:

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20 Responses to Prompt Nights – Guérison par la foi – Faith, healing – My Love for You

  1. Sanaa Rizvi says:

    Gosh! This is such a heartfelt write 🙂 no doubt we have faith in the people whom we hold dear to our heart. Beautifully expressed. Thank you so much for participating at Prompt Nights Michael 🙂

    Lots of love,

  2. mandibelle16 says:

    Great poem, very heartfelt, contemplating God, and mostly love.

  3. Love for another (and for self) is the best kind of healing there is. For even when all the medicine in the world is available, if we don’t love and love deeply something continues to remain empty and sick. This is lovely. And so very real. ♥

    I love

  4. Beautiful and touching, Michael!

  5. Jae Rose says:

    A beautiful ponderous poem – yes most things come from inside – even love for another..who ever they maybe..

  6. Jamztoma says:

    Faith is a wonderful thing. Makes us live, makes us smile through pain. thanks for sharing.

Please feel free to comment, I appreciate your thoughts.