#writephoto – Antique – Sally’s Antique Wares and Stuff

Antique – Image by KL Caley

Sally’s Antique Wares and Stuff was located in the middle of the High Street, just down from the Post Office.

You couldn’t help but walk past it as you made your way down to the PO or the supermarket.

Sally believed you had to have something to catch your customer’s eye.

In her case, it was a shop crammed with wares, which appeared to have little to no order. She had the philosophy that if you saw something you liked then crawling over a bunch of other stuff to retrieve the piece you had spied could result in another sale.

And it worked.

My mother, on her way to buy milk one day, had been on the lookout for a Royal Doulton dinner plate to replace one she had broken when she saw one in Sally’s shop. It was in a far corner and to get to it she had to squeeze past a number of shelves packed with crockery of all sorts of value and not.

Needless to say Mum arrived home with a bag of plates, cups and saucers all of which she announced were bargains and she couldn’t bear to leave them there. So her shelf of old and ancient bits and pieces was rearranged to fit in the newly purchased items.

Mum was very proud of her purchases and said there was a chair she fancied as well but we reminded her that there was limited space in our house as it was and any large item purchased in future might result in one of us kids having to move out to the shed.

Mum thought that was a great idea and we could see her mind ticking over as she contemplated the idea of one of us moving out. None of us kids was volunteering I must say and we were still short of milk.

Written for: https://new2writing.wordpress.com/2022/01/06/writephoto-antique/

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14 Responses to #writephoto – Antique – Sally’s Antique Wares and Stuff

  1. Oh my, I want to get my hands on these chairs, please.

  2. Sadje says:

    She sounds a bit like me. Easily distracted when I see a good bargain

  3. KL Caley says:

    Aw, this is a lovely homey story. Thank you so much for joining in with the #writephoto prompt. KL ❤

  4. Oh I loved this Michael! Brilliant take my friend.

  5. Patricia says:

    Sounds like Sally is quite a businesswoman.

  6. Pingback: #WRITEPHOTO – THE 2022 ROUND-UP – New2Writing

  7. Forestwood says:

    So many stories like this. We are attracted by beautiful objects and not by practicalities. Hope the kids still have a bed to sleep in.

Please feel free to comment, I appreciate your thoughts.