Tale Weaver – #252 – Making Sense of Nonsense – jodhoeing


The Cranxz loved nothing more than a good jodhoeing. It was all about puddles.

The Cranxz found jodhoeing in a puddle the best thing it could do.

They would sit in the puddle usually at a depth to cover most of their tiny bodies and flutter about with their arms and legs stirring up as much mud, grit and grime as they could as this was how they lived gathering nutrient from the puddle which was for the Cranxz a source of so much.

Jodhoeing sustained them, fed them and when moved was also a source of sexual attraction for one Cranxz to another. The mating ritual of a Cranxz was not something observed too often, in fact, it was rare to actually see a Cranxz let alone marvel at their sexual dexterity.

Lately, they have been having a hard time as the drought has made puddles few and far between. But being the resilient creatures, they are they have taken refuge in the cracks in the pavement, in any place where they can snuggle in and sleep until the rain comes.

Most times you would not be cognizant of their existence but should you wander by a puddle and notice a few ripples on the surface chances are there is a Cranxz luxuriating in the midst of a golly good jodhoeing.


Written for: https://mindlovemiserysmenagerie.wordpress.com/2019/12/05/tale-weaver-252-making-sense-of-nonsense-jodhoeing/

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10 Responses to Tale Weaver – #252 – Making Sense of Nonsense – jodhoeing

  1. Gosh, Michael, I’m going to have to look out for these Cranxz. I’d love to be the first photographer to capture one on film in the moment of jodhoeing. That would be one over David Attenborough. 🙂

  2. Sadje says:

    Wonderful imagination. A tough challenge this week. You came up with a great story.

  3. What an entertaining story. I’d like to see this on film.

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