Tale Weaver # 249 – Holiday – 14th November


The traffic is heavy

We might be late

The flight won’t wait.

Frustration mounts as we edge forward.

Angry words begin to flow

“We should have left earlier.”

“If you hadn’t dilly-dallied we’d be there by now.”

Then the traffic begins to flow

The departures come into sight

A mad rush from the car

Just made it.

Then an announcement,

Plane delayed.

We sit around waiting

Eventually, we are called.

The plane taxis to a stop.

Engineering issue they say.

Finally, we are away

Excitement begins to mount.

Arrive and wait an eternity for our bags.

Mine doesn’t appear.

Report to the airline,

They promise to find it.

We go out to the transport

The shuttle bus is crowded, bags everywhere.

I’ve only the clothes I am standing in,

“We can buy new underwear,” she says, sounding positive.

Our hotel is a welcome sight until we discover

A double booking

Irritated further, the day is getting longer

Our patience is tested

At last resolution

We have a room.

We sleep grateful to be on holiday.

We awaken to heavy rain

A message from the airline

Luggage found, will be delivered by lunchtime.

We find indoor activities but hope for the sun

There’s a market, water dripping down my back

I feel a chill coming on

My partner is irritable

She standing in a puddle that gets deeper

We go back to the hotel

My bags are at reception.

In our room, I open my bag to discover clothes missing.

Our holiday is going badly,

The elements are against us

We order room service wanting to indulge ourselves.

Food arrives, poorly prepared,

We send it back and never hear from the kitchen again.

A week is a long time in a hotel room

The rain tumbles down

The beach looks good on the postcards

We write to our mum’s

Watch TV in a language we can’t understand

Getting more and more stir crazy

We pack our bags

The afternoon flight home

Can’t come quick enough.

The only redeeming feature

We had each other.


Written for: https://mindlovemiserysmenagerie.wordpress.com/2019/11/14/tale-weaver-249-holiday-14th-november/

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10 Responses to Tale Weaver # 249 – Holiday – 14th November

  1. Loves the way it steams through the events. Had to smile at the traffic, and the missing luggage. Yea, why go away for holidays, so fell of stress. May as well stay home and relax!

  2. Sadje says:

    Traveling with great expectations often results in feeling of let down.

  3. rugby843 says:

    Sounds like a Chevy Chase vacation!

  4. Lyn says:

    Next time I go on holidays, it will be a trip to Perth (or maybe Kalgoorlie – I love Kalgoorlie) on the Indian Pacific. I’ve been three times before and loved every minute of the trip and my stay 😀

  5. Cringing. What a travel story. But that conclusion melts the heart. What matters the most.

  6. Jules says:

    One must make do. I’ve had many of the experiences in this piece.
    We had booked a night at the airport before our flight for our honeymoon to be told there was no room at the inn when we got there. A flight was canceled and they couldn’t toss out those who lost their seats. Should have asked if the president was in town and using the presidential suite – if not they could we have it!

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