Tale Weaver #211 – Making Sense of Nonsense – Egrlactical – 21st February



The eminent professor looked down the length of his considerable nose and began by welcoming his audience to his one-off lecture on the importance of energy in the evolution of mankind.

“I struggled for years to find a word that summed up what I believe,” he said, “ but I have settled on the term egrlactical as the best way to describe this phenomenon.”

Around him, as the word flashed up on the screen behind him, his audience furiously wrote it down wanting to savour his every word.

“If you contend that each of us and indeed all living things are part of the overall universe then you can also conclude that we are made up of similar things, like atoms, protons and the like. Accepting that you can see that those factors all contribute to our existence then we are essentially balls of energy manifesting in the physical forms we perceive ourselves to be. I came across a word in the now lost but ancient language of the Caudien people who described the universe as encompassing all that was surrounding them, they used the word egrghiom to describe that and so I took the first three letters and applied them to my belief that the creation of form in the universe is the universe’s version of suckling its protégé, hence my word egrlactical.”

The professor gave his audience a moment to take in what he was saying before continuing.

“Everything we do, we say and think is the result of the universe acting upon us. I think it is possible for us to have egrlactic experiences, but only the self-aware and open to the influence of the universe can hope to benefit from such an experience. Such things are not for everybody, some of you may consider my words as those of a madman, and you might be right, but if you think about what I say, you will see the truth in what I am saying.

After all, what factors drive us to behave in the ways we do? Love, hate, jealousy, admiration, hunger, the list is endless, and as humans, we possess the ability to control so much of what we do in response to these factors.

We have choice, just as you have the choice to attend, to stay and to leave if you feel so moved in that way. It’s the feeling we get that so often drives us to make decisions. Why do we love the person we feel most close to? Why does a work colleague cause us so much angst when their behaviour irritates us?

Reaction is a human quality; we have the energy within us to move one way or the other, to love or to not love.

Within us we possess the egrlactical energy to make decisions, which one would like to think makes the universe a better place.

Thank you for your attention, my book, ‘Egrlactical Energy a New Frontier’, is available in the foyer and I would be happy to sign your copy.”


Written for: https://mindlovemiserysmenagerie.wordpress.com/2019/02/21/tale-weaver-211-making-sense-of-nonsense-egrlactical-21st-february/

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9 Responses to Tale Weaver #211 – Making Sense of Nonsense – Egrlactical – 21st February

  1. crimsonprose says:

    I love his ‘considerable nose’.
    And possibly he’s right in his theory that the universe impacts and affects us in all we do. Though I’d hesitate to accord it such a degree as your professor. 🙂 🙂

  2. Sadje says:

    Very interesting. It’s not a real word, is it? I couldn’t find it in the dictionary.

  3. Jules says:

    I had fun with your word. I like where you took it. All encompassing. I went out to space…

  4. Pingback: Emunna | Padre's Ramblings

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