Thursday photo prompt: New #writephoto – Camping.


She convinced me that camping would be fun, away from the rat race of town and out in nature without a care in the world.

I was never one for roughing it, afraid of things biting me, crawling on me and generally being in my face when I’d prefer they weren’t.

She had the perfect place she said, away in the mountains, quiet and peaceful.

On that score she was right. It was certainly quiet, in fact at one stage I thought the silence would kill me and then it got dark and the night creatures starting doing what they do best, making a lot of noise.

She organised the tent, the sleeping bags and dinner and before long we were snuggled together reading to get some sleep. I wondered how I might sleep in conditions that were as foreign to me, as I could ever have imagined.

She told me we would be up early to catch the sunrise and bring in the new day.

I felt her shaking me awake; through the tent flap, I could see the dawn beginning to arrive.

Dressed and with our coats on we trekked up the hill to a spot where we were overlooking the most beautiful valley. Away to the east, I could just see the beginnings of the day as the red glow of the rising sun made its way over the horizon.

I sat there fascinated by its arrival, feeling her warmth beside me. I realised what a wonderful place nature was. By the time the sun had risen enough to be bathing the valley in its warmth we were feeling hungry, and so she took my hand and led me back to our campsite.


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13 Responses to Thursday photo prompt: New #writephoto – Camping.

  1. Iain Kelly says:

    Worth the camping trip to see that. Simple and effective Michael.

  2. Definitely worth the trip. Nice.

  3. Pingback: Camping ~ Michael #writephoto | Sue Vincent's Daily Echo

  4. jenanita01 says:

    Lovely romantic post…

  5. colonialist says:

    A modern turnaround, with a female being persuasive about the joys of camping!

  6. willowdot21 says:

    Nice little tale 💜

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