50 Word Thursday #15 – Songwitch


“I’m not a songwitch,” Kassa protested.

But she sure looked like one.

Long elongated face, a voice that sent shivers down your spine.

She sat by the fire as we awaited her song. Today there was family.

Not hers but mine. I was hesitant, wondering what we were in for.


Silence descended upon us, the fire crackled in keeping I knew with the sound we were about to experience.

Then she started, the mournful nasal tone, a voice coming from deep inside of her. My kids shuffled nervously as the music enveloped them. I watched them move, rhymically with her.


Suddenly from the flames, an explosion occurred, and sparks blew from the embers, a cloud of blue smoke blinded us. Her voice droned on, my children sat near her, enthralled. She had them in a trance, it was just a matter of time. Kassa looked up, grinned a toothless evil.


Written for: https://debbiewhittam.wordpress.com/2018/08/23/50-word-thursday-15/

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8 Responses to 50 Word Thursday #15 – Songwitch

  1. Deb Whittam says:

    Now that’s a bit creepy … beware the song witch 🙂

  2. Another spooky tale Michael.

  3. I really liked this one! Nice creepiness!

  4. Pingback: 50 Word Thursday #16 | Twenty Four

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