Twittering Tales #88 – 12 June 2018 – Dreamcatcher


Photo by Free-Photos at Pixabay

I wake in a cold sweat.
Breathing heavily, shaking from the nightmare.
I heard myself shouting: Get away!
I’m disorientated momentarily.
A big black dog was on my bed. I pushed it off and it growls as it leaves.
Up above the dreamcatcher hangs.
I hope it hasn’t caught this one.

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9 Responses to Twittering Tales #88 – 12 June 2018 – Dreamcatcher

  1. Kat Myrman says:

    But that is what it is meant to do Michael. Catch those nightmares. Perhaps he holds them too close. It reminds me that some people are not ready yet to give up their demons. But oh the freedom that awaits when we do. 😉

  2. Maybe your dog dropped out of the dreamcatcher Michael, but you’ve banished him now.

  3. willowdot21 says:

    Excellent take Michael 💜

  4. Sorry, I didn’t exactly get the last line. Why do you hope that the dreamcatcher didn’t capture this particular nightmare?

Please feel free to comment, I appreciate your thoughts.