Twittering Tales #78 – 3 April 2018


He was sure he’d left the car right where he was standing.
Looking left and right he knew he was in the right place.
How could his car not be here?
He thought of the embarrassment of calling home to say it was gone.
Then he remembered level two, not level three.


Written for:

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16 Responses to Twittering Tales #78 – 3 April 2018

  1. Mandy says:

    Oh my. I can hear that huge sigh of relief. Been there 😅

  2. rosemawrites says:

    this is adorable. hehe

  3. willowdot21 says:

    Yes! All’s well that ends well, I hope!😉

  4. Kat Myrman says:

    Haha! Good one Michael. 😄

  5. tric says:

    All too familiar! 🙂

  6. Lyn says:

    I feel his pain. I did something similar in Cento car park when I worked for a driving school. The boss was about to phone the police and ask to help. I mean, who in their right mind would steal a driving school car with a dirty big sign on the roof? Then I realised I’d come out the wrong door of the shopping centre. LOL can you say, “Embarrassment?” 😮

  7. Been there, felt that relief 🙂

  8. Pingback: Twittering Tale #79 – 10 April 2018 | like mercury colliding...

  9. Oh so recognisable ! Nicely told.

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