Twittering Tale #75 – 13 March 2018 frog-1505377_1280


Forlorn the frog sat by the pond wanting to contemplate his navel.
Forlorn the frog wondered what the fuss was all about.
Forlorn the frog wanted to be a man again.
Forlorn the frog knew he needed to improve his outlook.
Forlorn the frog tried, unsuccessfully, to break into a smile. (279 characters)

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18 Responses to Twittering Tale #75 – 13 March 2018 frog-1505377_1280

  1. Deb Whittam says:

    Poor frog

  2. Kat Myrman says:

    Poor frog…it’s not easy being green. 😢🐸😢

  3. Lyn says:

    Poor little froggie. If he tried contemplating his navel, he’d probably topple over backwards.

  4. Frankie says:

    Really, a frog has a sort of perpetual smile so it’s hard to know when he’s chuffed. 😀

  5. calmkate says:

    lol enjoyed this!

  6. Good story – it feels like a philosophical allegory about life, food for thought.

  7. Sandi says:

    Yes, the poor frog’s smile looks more like a grimace.

  8. Pingback: Twittering Tale #76 – 20 March 2017 | like mercury colliding...

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