Prompt Nights – Dancing is like dreaming with your feet


It was her dream

To dance like every one else

Her twisted body fought her

Every inch of the way.

We saw the outward dance

Inside another dance took place.

Her muscles

Contracting  and expanding

Attempting to move

To a long familiar song.

The struggle lasted three minutes

We were held spellbound

As she fought tooth and nail

As one foot, one arm,

Moved to where she wanted.

We saw her battle

Where no two muscles worked together,

To achieve her goal

To dance like everyone else.

We were in tears by the end

How can three minutes of desperate toil

Leave you speechless

In awe of her desire

To dance like everyone else.


Written for:

I also submit this poem for:

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40 Responses to Prompt Nights – Dancing is like dreaming with your feet

  1. celticmama36 says:

    Our external limitations and our internal dreams are often in conflict with one another . You expressed that well in this writing.

  2. We all have a cross to bear, and when we are able to shift it a little and keep moving despite the weight, God smiles because we trust him. Beautiful post!

  3. Sumana Roy says:

    “To dance like everyone else.” it’s sad when simple things of life are denied to some souls…beautifully penned…

  4. Oh! this is so heart breaking.. to be denied what we wish to do.. is like a terrible curse. Powerfully written.Thank you so much for participating at Prompt Nights Michael and for your constant love and support 🙂

    Lots of love,

  5. Shadeau says:

    Oh my, I got tearful over this one.

  6. Jae Rose says:

    This works so well as a metaphor – dancing is perhaps learning how to smile through the make it look effortless and beautiful..if we can achieve a fraction of that in ‘real’ life we are doing well! i love your dance..

  7. Rosemary Nissen-Wade says:

    Powerfully moving (no pun intended).

    • Michael says:

      It was moving Rosemary, in so many ways such that it will stay forever in my mind. So humbling when you think of how able bodied most of us are.

  8. Rommy says:

    Oh this makes my heart ache for dancer and the ones who are watching her struggle. As a mom, it hits me hard in a lot of places.

  9. I read this with words you once shared about your daughter in my mind… and my eyes filled of liquid happiness. What a miracle to witness… what joy. ♥♥♥

    Your words move us through her movements, the reaction of the speaker tells us just how important this is. Pure delight.

  10. Myrna says:

    It’s wonderful when we feel joy over someone’s realization of a dream. This made me think how happy we are when our children master an obstacle. Good writing!

    • Michael says:

      Thank you so much Myrna, I appreciate you stopping by. Yes there is always that sense of satisfaction at our children’s achievements.

  11. georginamorley says:

    Oh my gosh….lump in my throat and tears in my eyes. Awe inspiring piece XXX

    • Michael says:

      Thank you Georgia as I explain elsewhere this was a girl about 18 with cerebral palsy and it was a very brave achievement. I’ll always consider myself fortunate to have been there that day.

  12. She sounds like a tough, determined lady. No wonder you were so moved.

    • Michael says:

      A young lady about 18 with cerebral palsy Freya, one of the bravest things I’ve ever seen to try as her work for her end of school exam, you couldn’t help but be moved….

  13. rosemawrites says:

    oh Michael. this is heartwrenching. beautiful yet achingly sad.

  14. This is a wonderful story of physical triumph.

  15. wildchild47 says:

    Multi-layered in meaning and possible interpretations. You’ve captured the essence of the struggle, both inward and external, with such exquisite sensibility Michael. Bravo! 🙂

Please feel free to comment, I appreciate your thoughts.