Flash Fiction for the Purposeful Practitioner: Week #1- 2016 – New Year’s Eve

10 Pin Bowling

The opening sentence for the January 1st Flash Fiction for the Purposeful Practitioner:   “Of all the places I thought I would end up on New Year’s Eve…” 

I had planned a quiet night, as I was way past New Year’s Eve celebrations in hot and crowded places.

My son rang and asked if I’d fill in for their game as Jacko’s wife insisted he stay in that night.

So I dragged my bowling shoes out, found the appropriate competition uniform and off I went.

The alley was crowded as it was on comp nights.

The drinks were flowing freely as it was one of the few nights in the year where drinking was permitted. Needless to say as the evening went on the bowling became more wayward.

As midnight approached several bowlers were comatose, some were slurring not only their speech but also their bowling and the place was in danger of descending into bowling chaos.

The chimes of midnight and the celebration of the New Year sent everyone over the edge. Bowlers kissed and hugged other bowlers and their balls, Champaign flowed, my son caused a major incident by belly flopping down the alleyway and was promptly ejected.

We wound our way home in silence, losers again in more ways than one.


Written for: https://rogershipp.wordpress.com/2015/12/29/flash-fiction-for-the-purposeful-practitioner-week-1-2016/

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17 Responses to Flash Fiction for the Purposeful Practitioner: Week #1- 2016 – New Year’s Eve

  1. rogershipp says:

    “Needless to say as the evening went on the bowling became more wayward.” That line just cracked me up! Thanks for participating in the challenge this week. Hope to see you next!

  2. Haha! Luckily he’s promptly ejected! That was funny! I can imagine how chaotic the New Year’s Eve is. We had people sleeping on the streets cos they were to “high” to go home. 😄 Great story, Michael. Have a fabulous New Year! 🎊

  3. Susan says:

    Good story. Both losers. Not necessarily. At least the father sounded sober. Happy New Year. 🙂

  4. This is funny Michael! I really cracked up at this: “As midnight approached several bowlers were comatose,” Hahaha! I would say they were certainly “celebrating” New Years Eve!

  5. Did you teach your son how to belly-flop?
    Great story, and an interesting new flash fiction source.
    Happy 2016.

  6. Bowlers kissed and hugged other bowlers and their balls—-Oh Michael you are a naughty boy!

  7. luckyjc007 says:

    They demonstrated the true meaning of “PARTY HARDY” and seemed to enjoy it! It’s the people you have to face afterwards that is a bit awkward. But, their last day of 2015 was not boring and it gives them all year to talk about it and plan the next main event! Funny story! 🙂

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