SoCS July 4/15 – Is


Badge by Doobster @ Mindfull Digressions.

This week the prompt word is – is!!

Is it possible I wonder as I sip my tea in the cold morning glow?

Is it possible that I can facilitate the change I so want to facilitate?

Is it in the realms of possibility that my humble self can effect change and make a difference?

I ponder such things over a cup of tea quite often. Is this all there is? Is this the best I can hope for?

I think about the wonders of nature and I see a grub turn into a butterfly, vibrant colours on show and I look at me all I do is grow older.

My skin ages, I acquire wrinkles in places there should be such things, my hair is and has fallen out, the prospect of a comb over is not an attractive one, my fitness to work comes into question, my mind wanders to places it shouldn’t, my legs don’t run as fast as they once did, if in fact I ever called upon them to run.

My psychological condition takes a battering as younger people are given jobs over me; an intern I once mentored is now my boss. I look in the mirror and a stranger stares back as bewildered as I am by what he sees.

I go to sleep at night firmly believing that during the night there will be a change, a change for the better for nature has a way of facilitating metamorphosis.

Written for:

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9 Responses to SoCS July 4/15 – Is

  1. DELL CLOVER says:

    Oh that mirror thing–it’s a rough one.

  2. phylor says:

    I conclude it must be my mother in the mirror, or her sister. I really can’t be me! The thought is horrifying.

  3. mj6969 says:

    This is a very interesting SOC – and it speaks to the questions we all face – suddenly, rather rudely I might add, once we hit a certain age – when our youth and invincibility seemed like it would last forever …. and so here we are …. here we land … and all we can do is stand …. and make do.

    I especially love the closing of this piece – insightful and indicative of the powers of hope and persuasion. 😀

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