Photo Challenge #61, Red, May 19, 2015 – Red Tap Shoes


Image: Zvaella

When the world ended

There was not much to see

Cloud, dust, mayhem, chaos,

All lined up to take a turn.

As we pulled ourselves from the ruin

Pushed back the chaos

Settled the mayhem

Cleared the dust

Blew away the cloud

We discovered to our horror

Among the detritus

Bits of people and their lives.

A pair of red tap shoes

Thrown randomly


Bereft of feet

That once tapped

In rhythms now lost

To melodies now extinct.

Nothing is intact

Life a gigantic jigsaw

The remnants, fragments of memory

Pieced together in moments of idle imagination.

I hold the red tap shoes close to me

Concrete objects of a lost world

Something whole

Not shattered as my arm is now.

I carry them with me

A reminder of what once was.

Written for:

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17 Responses to Photo Challenge #61, Red, May 19, 2015 – Red Tap Shoes

  1. Oliana says:

    Lots to think about, Michael. Great write!

  2. mj6969 says:

    As we pulled ourselves from the ruin / Pushed back the chaos / Settled the mayhem / Cleared the dust / Blew away the cloud

    Such strength and determination and hope injected in adversity – and the way you have chosen these simple phrases – flowing after the pointedly brief, staccato like opening is awesome.

    A pair of red tap shoes / Thrown randomly / Abandoned / Bereft of feet / That once tapped / In rhythms now lost / To melodies now extinct.

    Stunning flow and vivid portrait of a civilization blown apart – destroyed. This piece kind of reminds me of The Road by Cormac McCarthy – it has that strangely poignant and distanced feeling, yet it is intimate.

    Amazing piece Michael 😀

  3. loricarlson66 says:

    gorgeous poem… I love the imagery!

  4. RoSy says:

    Very well written though.
    But – you already knew that. 😉

  5. There are so many incredible lines in this Michael (I could absolutely quote everything), what a striking heart-breaking image and yet as MJ says there is a determination seething underneath it all. You really have captured that sense of devastation.

  6. julespaige says:

    This reminds me of WWII and the scattering of so many people from their homes.
    Could be of any current warring too. But the shoes… all lined up in the museum taken from the feet of those less fortunate to survive. And the soul survivor moving forward and creating a new life with new memories.

  7. phylor says:

    A powerful statement on our determination to destroy each other. The tap shoes are a piece of reality in an unreal world. And carry the tale of a world that was.

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