Reena’s Exploration Challenge – 325 – When My Mind Spins.

It was happening more and more.

My mind spun,

I had to stop, take my bearings.

Focusing on a definite object was challenging

I knew what I wanted but it kept fading away.

Mary had a little lamb,

Its fleece was white as snow!


Don’t go there.

There were wheels, spinning, interlocking,

Confusion had raised its ugly head

I was locked in


It was easy to curl up

Feel it wash over me

For when you’re powerless

Doing nothing is a safe option.

You become part of the kaleidoscope

You’re mixed in,

Bits of you are separated

There’s no reality

You’re here, you’re there

You’re everywhere.

The arms that hold me,

Care that I exist

They take me to her breast,

Nurturing my soul

Asking nothing of me.

Taking my hand

She leads me home.

“Everywhere that Mary went

The lamb was sure to follow.”

Written for:

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7 Responses to Reena’s Exploration Challenge – 325 – When My Mind Spins.

  1. Sadje says:

    Oh Michael this is so profound and deep.

  2. Reena Saxena says:

    This lamb is scary. Excellent take, Michael!

  3. Eugi says:

    A thought-provoking and brilliantly written piece, Michael.

  4. Indira says:

    Excellent take.

    “Everywhere that Mary went

    The lamb was sure to follow.”

Please feel free to comment, I appreciate your thoughts.