#JusJoJan Daily Prompt – January 5th, 2018 – Memories



They are all around us aren’t they. The past is such a major part of our lives, we find ourselves in conversation saying such things as, “You remember when?”

Our memories are great conversation starters and at times conversation killers. It’s easy to bore the person beside you with tales of your life, what and where you did this that and the other.

But some we do treasure for they are dear to our hearts, some we want to nurture so that we create a trove of memory for the day when we sit together and recall the good, the bad and the downright scary days of what is our life together.


Written for: https://lindaghill.com/2018/01/05/jusjojan-daily-prompt-january-5th-2018/

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4 Responses to #JusJoJan Daily Prompt – January 5th, 2018 – Memories

  1. Ritu says:

    Memories are what you make them 😊

  2. Fandango says:

    Sometimes memories fade and when that happens, there’s nothing like a good imagination to fill in the gaps, right?

Please feel free to comment, I appreciate your thoughts.