Twittering Tale #43 – 1 August 2017


Ray loved to make tattoos.
Secretly he loved the pain his clients felt.
The buzz electrified him.
The heat of the iron rushed through him. (136 characters)

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18 Responses to Twittering Tale #43 – 1 August 2017

  1. Fandango says:

    Ah, a sadistic tattoo artist. Nice!

  2. Reena Saxena says:

    Scary! Hope he does not possess sharper weapons 🙂

  3. Kat Myrman says:

    Chilling! Awesome take on the prompt Michael! 😊

  4. Sight11 says:

    At least he found a job which could sustain his cravings..

  5. willowdot21 says:

    See now it’s guys like Ray that have always made me think twice about having a tattoo! 🤔

  6. Ray seems to be a sadistic person or a mentally disturbed one.

  7. Jael Sook says:

    I wonder how many tattoo artists are really like this…a little scary.

  8. Pingback: Twittering Tale #44 – 7 August 2017 | like mercury colliding...

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