SoCS June 17/17 – sign


It was a sign of the times in a signpost moment when many thought he should have signed off.

But there was no sign of him giving up, in or otherwise and so as he looked at the signposts in his life he decided it was straight ahead or not at all.

There had never been any sign of him succumbing to the fates of nature even though his Doctors all agreed there were tell-tale signs of an approaching biological storm about to ravage his being.

He was not one to lay down and accept any fate that prevented him from leaving his signature on the life he led which by itself outlined the significance his life had been for other people around him.

His perseverance was a significant signifier of his role in society, a role model for so many and in the grand scheme of things a sign by which so many where able to hang their own version of a shingle signalling hope for all mankind.


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19 Responses to SoCS June 17/17 – sign

  1. Like all the sign words. 🙂

  2. Reena Saxena says:

    Great! I gave in to the ‘signing off’ theme too.

  3. Ritu says:

    You sure squeezed enough sign words in Michael!

  4. willowdot21 says:

    Excellent significantly more awesome than my entry 😉💗

  5. joey says:

    Ah the enduring spirit! 🙂

  6. Something very poetic and lyrical about this prose. maybe it’s a sign. 🙂

  7. Jami Carder says:

    “approaching biological storm”…such a powerful grouping of words…

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