FFfAW Challenge-Week of January 17, 2017 – Shifting the Piano


Image: Shivangi Singh

It was one of those “Right Said Fred”* moments. Bozo had asked his mates, Simmo, Paddo and Mickey to help move the piano from his place to his sisters.

Bozo lived on the top floor and needed help. First they thought they’d carry it down the stairs and load it onto the carrier but it was too heavy and the doorway too narrow. How Bozo got it into his place remains a mystery.

Simmo suggested we take it down via the balcony. Take the rail down and with ropes sling it over the side. But that was just as hard as Mickey wasn’t the strongest in our team and we needed strength a plenty for this job.

So we sat down and Paddo opened the slab of beer he’d bought and we all had a think.

After two or three beers Bozo had a good idea. Leave the piano where it was and swap apartments with his sister. We all agreed it was a good idea and opened another beer.


* https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ge_4SlJWfl0


Written for: https://flashfictionforaspiringwriters.wordpress.com/2017/01/16/fffaw-challenge-week-of-january-17-2017/

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37 Responses to FFfAW Challenge-Week of January 17, 2017 – Shifting the Piano

  1. Ah the best laid plans…. Solved with a beer. Trust Simmons to have the more difficult if not most logical way 😊

  2. James says:

    Beer solves everything.

  3. Hahahaha! I have to agree with James. LOL! Hilarious story Michael, I really enjoyed it!

  4. Having been involved in more than one piano move (which always includes beer in Canada), I can say switching apartments sounds the better deal.

  5. Joyfrida says:

    Lol I can imagine them sitting there having a beer as they thought. Very hilarious. I hate moving houses, I wish you could just swap with someone and carry only your under wear 😀

  6. Iain Kelly says:

    Haha, excellent solution. Although they now have to swap all their other belongings for the plan to work! Good work 🙂

  7. Neat Michael. Having had a piano that needed moving into storage after we’d redesigned the interior of the house proved a game. The guys (two of them in their 70s) knew what they were at though. They turned it on its side, stood it on the wheelie trolley and pushed it through the doorway, along theL shaped corridor and out of the front door without so much as a whispered touch of wallpaper. Brilliant to watch.

  8. Say cheers for beer. Very clever fun piece.

  9. michael1148humphris says:

    Beer, the lubricant of the brain.😎

  10. luckyjc007 says:

    Switching apartments…what a brilliant idea! ….too bad it was not thought of before the struggle of moving it. Now….can they really get his sister to switch apartments? Good luck with that! A real beer decision….funny 🙂

  11. vacreed says:

    Brilliant idea!! And the part about switching apartments was hilarious!!

  12. Lyn says:

    That made me laugh out loud. What a brilliant solution 😀

  13. mandibelle16 says:

    Funny Michael. Such an easier solution, I’m sure the sister may have a lot girl stuff, but it doesn’t weigh as much as the piano. lol.

  14. afairymind says:

    I wonder what his sister will think of that idea – I know I wouldn’t want to swap homes with any of my brothers! A fun story, Michael. 🙂

  15. Singledust says:

    lovely end to a massive problem – why did i not see that coming?! – overheard in a pub some time ago – alcohol grows muscles we never thought we had. enjoyed your take on the prompt very much.

Please feel free to comment, I appreciate your thoughts.