FFfAW Challenge-Week of December 27, 2016 – Horse-Riding


Photo: thanks to Iain Kelly.

She announced that this Christmas/New Year she’d give him a gift that was a part of her childhood. She was going to take him horse-riding. Her glee was obvious. His apprehension equally so.

The big day arrived and off they went. She had dug out her old riding attire and was proud to announce it all fitted still. He knew he looked out of place in his faded jeans but he knew this meant a lot to her.

After a few basic lessons, like mounting and holding reins, she took him on a walk to familiarise him with the horse and its movements.

Within no time she was feeling confident of his progress and off they went.

To say hanging on for grim death was a polite way of saying that was how his day went.

After he had never experienced such pain and discomfort a saddle rash. No wonder cowboys walked bow–legged. He wondered if he’d ever recover his manly functions.


Written for: https://flashfictionforaspiringwriters.wordpress.com/2016/12/26/fffaw-challenge-week-of-december-27-2016/

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12 Responses to FFfAW Challenge-Week of December 27, 2016 – Horse-Riding

  1. Hahahaha! Too funny! I know from my experience in horseback riding that it leaves the bottom area very sore! Cute story, Michael!

  2. mandibelle16 says:

    Lol. Funny Michael but I understand why he’d wonder about that. I’ve only rode a horse a select few times and if you don’t work your inside thigh muscles all the time, and the muscles around there, and even if you have, horse riding hurts and it’s hard walking the first day or two after. Maybe she should’ve had him do some yoga-like stretching first. But I don’t know, it’s still “a hard ride” whatever you do! Thank goodness for cars!

  3. Hahahaha! Very funny and written with a cheeky humour.

  4. luckyjc007 says:

    Funny! He was gracious enough to endure the ride, but I believe he probably has no desire to repeat the experience. It certainly will be a memorable day for him and he will have the experience to share with others in the coming years when his body doesn’t hurt so bad and he can laugh about it!

Please feel free to comment, I appreciate your thoughts.