SoCS Aug. 20/16 – date


On my first date she demanded I not stand so close. My after-shave she said was offensive. This was the same after-shave my daughters had given me with the thought that I needed to wear plenty as I needed all the help I could get.

Miraculously she agreed to a second date. This time I didn’t wear my after-shave and she remarked that I had a very musty smell about me of clothes not aired but locked away in my wardrobe. Again she wanted an arm’s length between us. Our conversation was always great. We chatted on all topics and on most we agreed.

To prove miracles can happen she agreed to a third date. We set the date for the following Saturday. Dinner at the Date Lovers Bar and Grill, a movie, A Date in Tuscany and after we went to the Daters Bar in the down town precinct.

It was a wonderful evening, she snuggled up close all night said I smelt arousing and all was looking good.

Just as I thought it was going to be a memorable end to our evening she reminded me that it was the date of her mum’s death and immediately went into a period grief I could do very little about. Tears flowed, stories were told, a past grief relived and tissues used.

In the end she asked to be taken home so I obliged. She said she’d ring about another date. I haven’t heard from her.

I figure there are only so many dates you can go on before it hits you in the face that the one you are with is not the date for you.


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9 Responses to SoCS Aug. 20/16 – date

  1. Soul Gifts says:

    Oh dear, an unrequited love 😦

  2. stevetanham says:

    Brutally honest. Something very ‘clean’ about the way that was told. Like it.

  3. Oh dear! Better dates will come by 🙂

  4. At least they didn’t get married!

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