Word-High July: Kinaadman


Youthful ignorance abounds

The boy makes yet another error of judgement.

Years of study, reading and writing

The wisdom of age surfaces

Common sense makes sense

Mistakes are now understood

He relaxes into his wiser self.


Written for: https://areadingwritr.wordpress.com/2016/07/25/word-high-july-kinaadman/

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12 Responses to Word-High July: Kinaadman

  1. wildchild47 says:

    sometimes book knowledge just can’t hold a candle to life experiences, knowing and understanding that comes with the curves, fast balls and, of course, home runs! 🙂

  2. rosemawrites says:

    love the peaceful resolution, Michael! Indeed experiences and mistakes make us wise.

  3. If only we could take what we know now back in time to fix what we didn’t know way back then!

  4. David E. McClendon Sr. says:

    Great post. Life is a dance you learn as you go.

  5. As long we live, we learn… 🙂

  6. mandibelle16 says:

    Mistakes made but in the end, he start thinking. I like your wording though “he relaxes into his wiser self.”

  7. Mandy Smith says:

    I’ve always considered it a tremendous mistake that humans weren’t supplied with knowledge and financial stability in the early part of their lives so they could avoid all the struggle and (usually) lack of time and/or wits to enjoy it fully.Technical glitch, I suppose 😀 Thanks, Michael.

Please feel free to comment, I appreciate your thoughts.