Word-High July: Balintataw


I wondered what made the lasting impression

What you did?

Who you were?

The sum of all parts I know.

In my eye I saw

Compassion, dedication,

The impish fun just of knowing you

Your love in each word you spoke.

Lasting always within me is

Delighting in everything I see.


Written for: https://areadingwritr.wordpress.com/2016/07/14/balintataw/

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18 Responses to Word-High July: Balintataw

  1. rosemawrites says:

    awwww. another piece that can melt a woman’s heart, michael!

  2. I image you melt more hearts with your poetry, than you bring to tears. Off to open a new box of Kleenex. You’ll have to assemble these word pieces into a book of loving poems.

  3. Shadeau says:

    I agree with Phylor completely!!

  4. maria says:

    Beautiful and sweet! ❤

  5. David E. McClendon Sr. says:

    This is a great poem.

    The following comment is from my child-bride Suzanne. She is having technical difficulties with Word Press at the moment. It lets her comment on some blogs but not all of them.

    This is a nice poem and sweet.
    I think that putting this challenge’s posts into a book would be a great idea for Michael and maybe all of us.
    Have a blessed day.

  6. celticmama36 says:

    Please pardon the double up on my comment here, Michael. I am testing to see if the problem is fixed.
    This is a nice poem and sweet.
    I think that putting this challenge’s posts into a book would be a great idea for Michael and maybe all of us.
    Have a blessed day.

  7. Mandy says:

    I believe I’ve suggested many times, Michael, that you gather up your beautiful poems, and put them into a book; with the comments you’ve gotten here, it would appear I’ve got lots of company. 😀 There are a lot more people out there than just us cyberspace folk who would enjoy them!

  8. “I agree with Mandy, et. al. It could be illustrated with photographs, the beautiful calligraphy created for this challenge, drawings, or just be your beautiful, wonderful, words on the page,” she added to the list of cheerers on.

Please feel free to comment, I appreciate your thoughts.