Word-High July: Silakbo


It’s the hysterical nature of your response

When your mum leaves the room

You pine, fret as if you have been forgotten.

I feel helpless

You are out of control

You cry as a means to express your fear?

No amount of logic or consoling assists you

We ride it out,

We hope age will remedy you

But for now it’s disturbing

Troublesome, worrying

Separation anxiety at its worst.


Written for: https://areadingwritr.wordpress.com/2016/07/08/word-high-july-silakbo/

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28 Responses to Word-High July: Silakbo

  1. Does sound traumatic and dramatic. Good luck!

  2. Lyn says:

    Oh boy, can I relate to that, Michael 🙂
    My youngest grandson, Harry – he’s just turned two – is also my youngest daughter’s youngest of five (confused yet?.) He absolutely adores his mum and is so distraught when she has to go to work (she’s a casual primary school teacher). He is improving though, and after about half an hour, he is fine. six months ago, he’d cry for hours, and eventually cry himself to sleep. Now when he hears the roller door opening, he looks at you with the biggest grin on his face and says, “Mumma, Mumma here!”

  3. rosemawrites says:

    oh geez, it’s tough to control such kid. your described it so well!

  4. mandibelle16 says:

    I had a cousin who was very much like that. Things were not well btw my Aunt and Uncle, as a result she had a great deal of separation anxiety. Difficult to deal with, but I think, I hope age makes a difference. Great use of the prompt.

  5. Shadeau says:

    Oh my, I love this, Michael–you’re so tender. I discovered decades ago that separation anxiety is not just an issue for children. I suppose it’s one reason I decided the solitary life was safer… Another new gravatar, I see!

  6. Davy D says:

    Lovely words Michael. Thanks for sharing.

  7. celticmama36 says:

    You did a fine job expressing the anxiety on both sides of the separation issue. They do eventually get beyond this stage. Then, another one just as fun comes in behind that one. Have a blessed weekend.

    • Michael says:

      Well we all hope they grow out of it and I’m not sure I want another that may be as much ‘fun’. You have a great weekend too.

      • celticmama36 says:

        It’s all just part of the package of parenthood (or grand-parenthood). One of these days, these moments will be in the “I sure miss those days” file, too. Savor the moments, even the loud, tearful ones. Childhood is over far too soon. Thank you.

      • Michael says:

        Yes I remember with my own kids thinking their misguided behaviours can’t last forever…now they are all grown with their own kids doing similar things to themselves and its about karma sometimes…lol

      • celticmama36 says:

        My mama always told me that she hoped I would have a kid just like me. It can be pretty funny when wishes come true. 🙂

      • Michael says:

        Yes indeed. My eldest son lives away now days but when I visit him i smile at him when his son is giving him a hard time thinking now you know what I put up with…lol…..good we can laugh about it now…😄

      • celticmama36 says:

        I think I gave my mama a much harder time than my kids ever thought about giving me. We were always at it. I was too independent to suit her. Very rarely have mine ever back-talked me or been otherwise disrespectful. But, the oldest was a handful, just like I was. He was a rascal. Yes, it is good to be able to look back and laugh about it.

      • Michael says:

        And remind them of it all…lol…my kids love to talk about having me as a father…..its such a funny time listening to them, thankfully we can laugh about it now….

      • celticmama36 says:

        We spend a lot of our time these days looking back at when they were kids, but also looking forward, talking about the lives they are embarking on now. It’s all good.

      • Michael says:

        Indeed it is

      • Michael says:

        I also wanted to say thank you for the follow, call by anytime, sometimes the kettle is boiled and the tea hot…

      • celticmama36 says:

        Thank you. I appreciate the visits to my blog, too. Have a wonderful weekend.

Please feel free to comment, I appreciate your thoughts.