SoCS April 2/16 – be


Today it is to be or not to be.

April fools day has been and gone in my part of the world.

The jokester Linda tried her best and for a second had me worried as what would become of my Saturday mornings with no SOC.

But being the person I am I saw through her attempt to increase my anxiety levels by reading the very next line…..breathed a sigh of be-lief and thought what the hell do I do with be……what be? Be what? Be when? Be come?

I thought it becoming that I was once was selected to deliver a speech at the Bee Keepers Annual Beehive Convention in Betown. Not many people east of Australia would have heard mention of such a Be-athon, thankfully but it was a memorable day and I was beyond excitement at the thought of addressing so many bee lovers and beekeepers. There is a difference you know. Bee lovers can’t get enough of bees around them and beekeepers love them for the $ they make for them.

Needless to say the conference went well until I was asked to speak whereupon there was a real bee-astrophy as I confused bee keeping and bee loving and their developed a full fledged bee conflagration in the hall and soon all would bee’s become has beens…me included…..I have never been asked again….but I have put it behind me and moved on.

Next week there is the annual Sewerage and Pump Station Cleaners Picnic Day and I have been asked to be on hand to pick up, as they say, should there be any stuff no one else will pick up……those Sewerage workers can BE difficult in that they do often bring their work with them, come what be….

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14 Responses to SoCS April 2/16 – be

  1. LindaGHill says:

    Hopefully your upcoming engagement won’t bee a sew-astrophy. 😉

  2. Those Bee Keepers are a bunch of bee brains to judge you so harshly. 🙂

  3. I was a little nervous about getting the prompt myself. Well done Michael.

Please feel free to comment, I appreciate your thoughts.