SoCS March 26/16 – Real


Are you for real Linda?

It is Easter and you want me to SOC about the notion of real?

Do you realise the challenge that presents me with?

For those of you, like you Linda, who live in the real world this is really challenging my comfort zone. My reality is one of a world spent in a fantasy world where anything is possible and usually happens as my reality is neatly packaged inside my head.

You could say the inside of my head prime real estate but then you’d know that was me fantasying again.

So understand the challenge this presents those of us who are “reality challenged”.

My Easter used to be taken up with Easter bunnies and eggs and all that. That was my real world and when I was twenty-two that all came crashing down when someone punched a hole in my reality by telling me all the Easter bunny and eggs and stuff was not real at all.

You can imagine the devastation that brought upon me. My reality came crashing down, I languished in a world where what I thought was real was not and what I believed was not real was.

There was NO Easter bunny. Then who left the eggs I asked?

Mum? No way she died years ago.

So there’s a mystery I have grappled with all these years. Tomorrow is Easter Sunday and I know I shall go out to my kitchen and there on the table will be a basket full of Easter eggs and not the little marble sized one, no sir, I get the big chocolaty ones.

Even though I know now there is no Easter bunny I tell people I am fine but I know the bunny foot prints on my kitchen floor are real.

So dear Linda I hope you appreciate the struggle this prompt has been to me. You might consider next week something like, small fluffy balls. I have a thing for small fluffy balls…oops…..better go, some things you really don’t want to now the reality of…..happy Easter…


Written for:

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25 Responses to SoCS March 26/16 – Real

  1. Lori Carlson says:

    *chuckles* great musings, Michael! I see those footprints too! Happy Easter!

  2. Wait! Are you saying there is no Easter Bunny? Aw Man!!!!!!!!! (Nice Job Michael)

  3. joey says:

    What a dreadful shock to get at 22! 😉

  4. The struggle is real! *grins*

  5. wildchild47 says:

    I have a thing for small fluffy balls…oops…..better go, some things you really don’t want to now the reality of…..happy Easter…

    roflmao …. yeah, ummmm …. I’m not going to touch that or wander that path at all 😉

    And I’m glad the E.B. crossed your path and still visits 🙂 hope it was an excellent hoppy holiday 🙂

  6. LindaGHill says:

    Hahaha! …I mean, I’m sorry.
    Hope you had a great Easter weekend, Michael. The phantom bunny notwithstanding. 😉

Please feel free to comment, I appreciate your thoughts.