SoCS Jan. 30/16 – ‘an’



This week’s prompt: “an”

On any other day I’d be over the moon as anyone at an anniversary.

But I could see through her devious attention seeking plan and I was not having a bar of it. It wasn’t the first time either, no siree!!

On another occasion she had announced to the world that her friend Annalise McAnal, the android looking androgynous sounding woman from Annyville was coming to visit and we all had to bow and scrape to acknowledge her and to keep her from once again chucking a right royal tantrum.

The big day arrived and one again, as if on cue, it all started. Annalise turned up looking more androgynous than ever, she sprouted some vague analogy about life not taking her seriously, another woman equally as strange stood and threw her clothes at the stage causing yet another woman to faint and have to be carried away leaving only Annalise upon the stage. It turned out that the woman standing naked was antichristian, antiabortion and anti everything Annalise stood for which in itself was an antithesis to us all.

So you can see my aversion of anniversaries as whilst they may well be warranted one can’t but feel it is another day in another time and one can only cope with so many anothers.

Written for:

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14 Responses to SoCS Jan. 30/16 – ‘an’

  1. willowdot21 says:

    Brilliant! Love the whole thing… Another time in another world!

  2. Over the top Michael. LOL

  3. Susan Langer says:

    I loved ot. It was so brilliant! Funny too. 🙂

  4. Al says:

    I love it. So many an’s in so many places, even ones where you don’t normally recognise them. Excellent.

  5. Lori Carlson says:

    Wow, Michael… you to “an” to a whole new level! Amazing and humourous tale!

Please feel free to comment, I appreciate your thoughts.