SoCS January 10/15 – Opposite


Badge by: Doobster @ Mindful Digressions

Today’s prompt is the word ‘opposite’

I remember in the film ‘Oh God’ the late George Burns played God and he was asked why it was that if he was God and so all powerful did he allow bad things to happen.

God’s reply was that ever since he started creating the world he’d had a problem with everything he created in that no matter how hard he tried everything had an opposite. If he made a front it had to have a back. When he created up he realised it came with a down. And so on.

In so many ways we need opposites. If you went in somewhere and it was awful its good to know there is an out.

They say opposites attract and I know a few examples of that. My brother and his wife are both very opposite people but at the same time very similar. They have been together since high school, they have been married nearly thirty-five years, they enjoy each others company they are a wonderful example of resilience in marriage.

Opposites get us through our day to day. Where would sport be if not for the concept of opposites? If opposites didn’t exist the whole idea of playing with yourself would have a far different meaning to what we imagine now. What would humans do with their competitive streak if no opponents could be found?

To me the importance of opposites cannot be overstated, though I shall try here.

Just think how dull life would be without an argument every so often, how mundane life would be if we all had the same opinion, if we all loved the same way (oh goodness such a horrifying thought, I can see my ex rolling her eyes at that thought).

Opposites bring diversity to our world. They are why everyday in my world is a good day. It is the reason we laugh, we cry, we celebrate the variety of life and the wonderful culturally different world we live in.

In my recent trip to Japan I was taken to a small town outside of Tokyo to see a street festival. It was a celebration of the cultural diversity of that region. I witnessed the most amazing event, groups of people dressed in their country of origins national dress parade up the street some accompanied by fabulous drum bands (I do love drum bands). What struck me was how happy these groups were to be showing off their heritage, they danced, they swung ribbons, they twirled it was one of the best days I spent in Japan.

So opposite is part of our daily lives. Blogs wouldn’t exist with us being opposite, and not just in location to one another but in thought and culture. That we share this diversity is what makes blogging such an enjoyable exercise.

So lets hear it for opposite I say. We can’t get along with out it.

So raise your glasses….Hip Hip……

Written for:

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23 Responses to SoCS January 10/15 – Opposite

  1. LindaGHill says:

    Hooray! Excellent post, Michael, with so many pertinent points. Love it. 🙂

  2. Hooray! Very good post Michael, I laughed out loud at playing with ourselves..well you knew I would 😉

  3. Nice take on the need for opposites. Makes one wonder about how happy the North Koreans are these days.

  4. NotAPunkRocker says:


    Great post 🙂

  5. Doobster418 says:

    Okay, here’s number 4. HOORAY

  6. Oliana says:

    Oh Michael this is adorable…HOORAY indeed…I had to chuckle at “playing with yourself”…my goodness I could hear my mother speaking!! 😀 Yes, it would be a drab, beige world…sort of like the Stepford Wives…ugh!

    • Oh Oliana you are number 5 hooray, my day is improving by the minute.
      It would be drab wouldn’t it, imagine that across the world in Australia there was a blogger just like you!!!! Now where’s the fun in that??

  7. mandy says:

    Yes, let’s raise our glasses to opposite! How I loved George Burns in that movie, Michael . Oh, not to be left out: Hooray!

  8. KG says:

    Hurray!!! 🙂
    You sort of answered one of my question or rather two of my questions which I had posted for the same prompt. Thanks Michael.

  9. RoSy says:

    I really could do without some opposites though…

  10. Sandi says:

    This is a refreshingly optimistic view on opposites: I hadn’t thought about how dull it would in a world of sameness. (I guess the movie “Groundhog Day” is sort of an illustration of this point, although he isn’t restricted to doing the same actions day after day, so he works within his limitations.)

Please feel free to comment, I appreciate your thoughts.