Twittering Tales #124 – 19 February 2019 – Lost


Image: Photo by Gavilla @

They were sure they had the right address. They hadn’t visited Grandma in a few years.
Where her house used to be was a new shopping mall.
They argued until one remembered Grandma saying to meet her in front of the butchers.
The butchers was where her old house once stood.

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11 Responses to Twittering Tales #124 – 19 February 2019 – Lost

  1. Kat Myrman says:

    Great story. I am always amazed at how different a place can look upon returning years later. 😊

  2. I got lost in myhome town after being away for 8 years as the one way streets were the other way round and my short cuts were either flats or a shopping centre!

  3. Sadje says:

    A nice story. Poor grandma!

  4. krcc says:

    Very common! My old home is now filled with apartments where there used to be a grassy field.

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