Twittering Tales #7 – 6 December 2016 – Dilemma


He came to the difficult part. His abuse. His children knew nothing. Should he omit it? Pretend it never happened. Bury it forever? Dilemma.

(140 characters)

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18 Responses to Twittering Tales #7 – 6 December 2016 – Dilemma

  1. Kat Myrman says:

    Wow! Great story Michael. That is a dilemma for sure. Thanks for joining in this week. – kat

  2. Oh, nice story. A typical parent’s thoughts!

  3. wordwitch88 says:

    Ooohhh …. now that cuts right quick! Well done Michael 🙂

    • Michael says:

      Thank you Pat, hope you’ve had a good day..

      • wordwitch88 says:

        pretty good all things not said and tasks done 😉 and you?

      • Michael says:

        Doing ok today…..I’m vertical and that is always a good start to the day..

      • wordwitch88 says:

        indeed – and how is your summer coming along, by the by?

      • Michael says:

        The hot days have started but its been ok…the mornings have been good, lovely and cool to walk in… should be warm again but that is why I have air con and solar panels now…..they pay for the air con during the day…..soon it will be Christmas wont it….any plans?

      • wordwitch88 says:

        well as long as you’re able to stay cool and comfortable – and how wonderful that your solar panels are doing the great work of paying for not only themselves, but also the household! most excellent! 😀

        let’s see Christmas …. in about 2 1/2 weeks …. and nope, no plans – at all – it’ll be a a Christmas miracle if I don’t get thrown out of my ex’s house in the next short while …. so no – everything is at a dead end – stale mate …. suspended animation …. wait and see …. oh well, that’s life I guess; doesn’t always work out as we thought it would.

        I guess you’ll be spending time with family and friends? the “traditional” after Christmas “ham sandwich” still on the menu??? 🍔

      • Michael says:

        The ham sandwich is definitely on the Christmas Day lunch menu. It will be only my son and I but the other kids will turn up in the evening….it will be noisy fun to say the least….I hope you and your house can stay together….you don’t need that grief at this time of the year…

      • wordwitch88 says:

        All hail to the infamous ham sandwich! Well, at least you will have some quiet time before the gang arrives …. so all the more stolen moments to enjoy the treat. Of course, be sure to get a nap in – I’m sure the little ones will keep you busy and engaged 😀

        well …. one day at a time …. that’s the best I can do …. and so it is …. and that’s okay …. I just try not to think too much on it.

        have a wonderful day Michael 🙂

  4. Lynn Love says:

    That’s a lot of story crammed into 140 characters. Very well done

  5. afairymind says:

    That’a a big decision for him to make. A powerful story for so few words!

  6. Pingback: Twittering Tales #8 – 13 December 2016 | like mercury colliding...

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